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BOS Minutes August 2, 2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 2, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert, and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Selectman MacCleery was absent. Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:04PM

SUBJECT: Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Police Chief Patrick Clarke introduced a potential new full-time police officer.  His name is Josh Wright.  He has recently graduated from Hesser College with an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice.  Currently, Mr. Wright  is a delivery truck driver.

Chief Clarke told the Board of Selectmen that Mr. Wright finished fifth in the written examine.  Chief Clarke said during the physical test Mr. Wright pushed beyond the required sit-ups and push-ups.  He said Mr. Wright did an excellent job.  Chief Clarke said that after the physical test he spoke with four potential candidates and offered Mr. Wright a conditional offer of employment, which Mr. Wright accepted.  Chief Clarke stated that he would like to begin Mr. Wright’s background check.  He said that once that is completed and Mr. Wright passes the psychological test he will be ready for the academy.  Chief Clarke said that as soon as the background check is completed, (which will take approximately three weeks) he would like Mr. Wright to starting riding with other officers and Chief Clarke will take him to the shooting range.  Chief Clarke said that the academy is Monday to Friday for 10 weeks and Mr. Wright must stay at the barracks.  Chief Clarke said after that he will have two weeks at the academy.  Chief Clarke stated that Mr. Wright should be up and running by January 2006.  

Chief Clarke stated that as soon as he has Mr. Wright up and running he will then continue his search for part-time police officers.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chairman DeBold said that he spoke with the Town Attorney, Matt Serge, regarding appointing Selectman Colbert and/or Selectman MacCleery as Ex-Officio for the Planning Board in case Chairman DeBold can not make a meeting.  Attorney Serge reported that under RSA 673:6 it was perfectly alright to have another member of the Board of Selectmen as Ex-Officio Alternate.  Chairman DeBold made a Motion:  The Board of Selectmen will appoint at least one Ex-Officio Alternate for the Planning Board  as stated in RSA 673:6 and suggests that the Alternate be David Colbert.  Selectman Colbert seconded the Motion and all were in favor.  Selectman Colbert was sworn in as an Ex-Officio Alternate for the Planning Board.  Also, Selectman MacCleery will be sworn in as a Ex-Officio Alternate for the Planning Board in case Chairman DeBold or Selectman Colbert can not make the Planning Board meeting.

Chairman DeBold signed the Verified Petition for Declaratory Judgment and Permanent Injunctive Relief and Assessment of Civil Fines and Attorney Fees against the Weathervane for non compliance of the lighting ordinance.   

Chairman DeBold presented the Board of Selectmen with a Position Letter regarding the development that is being built in Epsom. The contractor of that project wants to open up Hillview Drive.  In the Position Letter (in part) the Selectmen feel that opening up the road at Hillview Drive would be a negative impact on the Town of Chichester.  They are concerned with the significant traffic volume onto other Town roads such as Highland Drive, Burnt Hill Road, Lane Road and Horse Corner Road.  The Selectmen have safety concerns for the increased traffic onto Smith Sanborn Road.  Smith Sanborn Road is a heavily populated, very narrow, and mostly unpaved with several section having very probable sight distance deficiencies.  Also mentioned in the position letter is the long term perpetual maintenance requirements that would be a tax burden on the Chichester Residents.  

Patty received a telephone call from Mr. Ian Blackman.  He called in regards to the pond that is located on Blackman Road.  He said that he spoke to Fire Chief Mike Paveglio at the mutual aid drill that was being conducted on Blackman Road.  Mr. Blackman said that the Fire Department has full access to the pond in case of a fire.  Mr. Blackman said that this issue with the Fire Department using the pond as a water source was taken care of when Mr. Bailey was a Selectman.

Patty called the Local Government Center and spoke with Attorney Nolin Koon regarding the Cemetery Trustees having the authority to appoint volunteers.  He told her that the Cemetery could appoint volunteers, but said to have the volunteers be recognized by the Town of Chichester.  Patty will call Joanna McIntosh and inform her that she may name volunteers to help with clean up in the Town’s Cemeteries.

Chairman DeBold said that he received a call from a representative of Sam’s Club, Mr. John Dukukett,  who wants to use Carpenter Park for their employee picnic.  He said there would be about 75 people.   The Selectmen discussed this and came to the conclusion that Sam’s Club can not use the lower ball field.  Chairman DeBold said that he was going to contact Mr. Dukukett and inform him that the Town can not guarantee the park will be cleaned up after Old Home Day.  Chairman DeBold will also inform Mr. Dukukett that no alcohol can be served.  Chairman DeBold stated that Parks and Recreation should have some sort of “Park Use” agreement similar to the one that used when someone rents out the Grange Hall.  This will be further discussed.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Minutes from July 26, 2005 were reviewed and signed

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 9:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert